Your Contract Deposit is a certified cheque or money order and is your way of telling us you want this unit. It holds your spot in line as all units are first come, first serve. As long as we have all of your documentation and a Contract Deposit your application will be processed.
If you are approved - the deposit is moved to your Last Month's Rent and will be held until your final month in our unit.
If your application is not approved - the deposit will be returned to you.
As of April 30, 2018 - The Standardized Lease is a mandatory rental document that was created by the Ontario Government, the Landlord Tenant Board and a collection of Landlord and Tenant Advocates to regulate the rules of renting out a property in Ontario that falls under the Residential Tenancies Act.
Yes, Maximum does complete a credit check as part of your application, however as the applicant you will be one completing the information. Maximum uses Naborly - we will send you a link to complete to your e-mail and it will be forwarded back to us with the information we need to assist with our decision making process.
In short, Yes a landlord can refuse your application if you have a pet. If a landlord states there are no pets allowed in the unit, that is a perfectly acceptable reason for an application to not be approved. We know you love your animals, so please ensure you check if pets are allowed in the unit your applying for.
Ontario has gone smoke free, which means, no smoking in residential common areas. As such, in order to assist in protecting our tenants and our landlords investments, Maximum has an enacted a Smoke Free Policy - No Smoking of any substance in the unit - No Growing of any substance in or around the unit.
When you sign a 1 year lease you are responsible for the entirety of that lease. If you want to leave at the end of your fixed term we require 60 days notice before the end of your tenancy.
E-transfer, Money Order, Cheque, Pre-Authorized Payments - The only method we do not accept is CASH
Contact your Property Manager to receive the form to sign up for Pre-Authorized Payments - We require the paperwork by the 15th of the month prior to when you want to begin your new payment method.
A PM company is simply an extension of the landlord. We manage all the day to day operations from rent collection, to maintenance repairs and questions/concerns. The only difference is we take direction from the property owner on the back end, however it makes no difference to you as a tenant.
Tenant insurance is to protect you and your contents from damage resulting from an accident by you or another tenant in the building. When there is a fire/flood, the landlords insurance protects the landlords asset. But your contents or your housing during the repairs are not covered.
All maintenance requests must be put in writing. Contact your Property Manager via e-mail or submit your maintenance request via the online request form.
Your landlord will be attending the property at the very minimum twice (2) per year, this is for Fire & Safety Inspections. If your landlord has reason to believe there is damage to your property or there is maintenance to be done you will be provided proper notice to enter.
24 Hour Notice of Entry is the legal requirement by the Residential Tenancy Act before a Landlord can enter a tenant's property to show/complete maintenance/inspect for damages. Unless in the case of an emergency - Fire, Water, Electrical*
As per the signed lease agreement rent is due in full on the first of the month every month. If you are going to be late, send your PM an e-mail let them know. You will be receiving an obligatory N4 - Notice to Terminate your Tenancy for Non-Payment of rent as a part of our rent collection policy in which you have 14 days to pay your rent in full before the landlord will move forward with the eviction process.
If you find pests (Rodents/Roaches/Bedbugs etc) in your unit, contact your PM immediately at the contact info provided to you on move in or via the maintenance request form on the site. If you have evidence video/pictures please provide that as well.
You have completed your 1 year fixed term tenancy and now you're wondering what to do - if you would like to stay; all the terms and agreements under your lease are still enacted and you will be a "month-to-month" tenant meaning you can end your tenancy at any time; provided you provideĀ your landlord 60 day notice in writing. You will be required to sign an N11, which can be found on the website.
If you would like to leave; please make sure you provide 60 days notice - just because the lease has come to an end does not mean your responsibilities have.
MPS does not allow sublets, nor do we encourage them. When you sublet your unit, you open yourself up for liability if your tenant doesn't pay, if they cause damage to the unit, you are responsible. We do offer an assignment option if you need to leave before the end of your lease. Please contact your PM for more information.